Wednesday, May 16, 2007

List of Rules

My society lives by a few rules.

1. Men at the age of nine are iniated in the military and serve for 10 years. This is to stop another invasion from happening. Also, to find the Champion, destined leader and true leader of the Revolutionary Arsenal.

2. Law will be derived from the Holy Bible's Ten Commandments. The Elite will be this society's highest court. No interpretation.

3. One hour each day will be devoted to prayer, peace and solitude. Everyone needs a break.

4. Economics will be Imperialism, the highest form of capitalism. Government will provide the individual with tools for gathering and creating his own resources. This allows less government interaction for the feeding and housing.

5. Education will be administered to students begining at age 4 ending at age 21. The education will be a numerical grade system. Each student will be given an analysis of personality and intelligence and proposed a needed career for them which they can choose to take or not take.

6. Cars will not be used. instead everything can by bicycle as the main form of transportation. Also touch screen teleportation devices held on the wrist make life very easy.

7. Cities will be organized into mini communities that are based on compatibility of personality and intelligence, also people can choose to relocate if they want. This is tried for organizational purposes mainly not to discriminate.

8. Shops will be accesible by anyone and no money needs to be paid for clothes since every resource is renewable.

9. Wars are outlawed. Any citizen that initiates a war or any kind of infighting on Ekron against fellow Ekronians will recieve the death penalty.

10. Freedom of expression is highly supported.

11. Marriage is defined as a tie between a man and a woman.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the hour of peace and the "no cars" rules.