Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Journal Entries of Hayeron

29th Day of Esch, the Third Year of King King Kiyrion, age 7

I live Gamma Cell 6 with my mom, dad, two sisters and dog. My friends in Gamma Cell are so much like me. We do everything together. Today, we all walked to school. Multiplication is so hard I can barely stand it. My escape is Orphallin class, our common language. All we do is free writing and let our free mind run loose. Then the teacher grades us on grammar and other technical pieces of writing. This way we both learn proper writing techiniques while expressing ourselves.

29th Day of Esch, the Fourth Year of King Kiyirion, age 8

I have been chosen to be a techinician. I was like sweet. I love building and designing things that are practical. This career is perfect for me. I accepted the career. I went home and played Playstation 8 with my gamma friends life seems so nice. Next year, we all go into the military and will become Gamma Squadron

29th Day of Esch, the Fifth Year of King Kiyirion

Go Gamma Squadron! We have become the best incoming group of infantry there is. That is why are all fighting in the Second Invasion War. They were huge creatures the size of redwood trees, but looked like praying mantises that only had two arms and two legs. We shot them down for two nights before they surrendered their planet to the Ekronian Empire.